
interface Entry<T, E : Entry<T, E>> : EntryHandler<T> , EntryWidget<T> , EntryFlag, Consumer<T> , Supplier<T>

A base Entry for configs.

Performs 10 basic functions

  • serialize contents

  • deserialize input

  • validate updates

  • correct errors

  • provide widgets

  • apply inputs

  • supply outputs

  • create instances

  • manages flags

  • accepts listeners




0.2.0, add EntryFlag 0.5.6, add listenToEntry 0.6.0



the non-null type of the Entry stored value



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abstract fun accept(p0: T)
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open fun andThen(p0: Consumer<in T>): Consumer<T>
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open fun copyValue(input: T): T

Copies the provided input as deeply as possible.

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Corrects an attempted input, as possible. When correction isn't possible or deterministic, simply validate the entry the same way you would for EntryValidator

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open fun deserializedChanged(old: Any?, new: Any?): Boolean

Specialized equals method for determining if a newly deserialized value is effectively equal to its old counterpart.

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abstract fun deserializeEntry(toml: TomlElement, errorBuilder: MutableList<String>, fieldName: String, flags: Byte): ValidationResult<T>

Deserializes the provided TomlElement. This deserialization should store the result within this deserializer (deserialize "in-place") as well as returning the result. The return has to have a fallback value.

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open fun flags(): Byte
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abstract fun get(): T
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open fun hasFlag(flag: EntryFlag.Flag): Boolean
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abstract fun instanceEntry(): E

Creates as deep a copy as possible of this Entry

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abstract fun isValidEntry(input: Any?): Boolean

Tests an arbitrary input to determine if it is a valid input to this Entry. Inputs are not (necessarily) Entry, the term is used here in the general sense

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abstract fun listenToEntry(listener: Consumer<Entry<T, *>>)

Applies a listener to this entry. The consumer(s) passed be invoked whenever the value of this Entry is updated

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abstract fun serializeEntry(input: T?, errorBuilder: MutableList<String>, flags: Byte): TomlElement

Serializes either the provided input or stored value to a TomlElement

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abstract fun trySet(input: Any?)

Attempts to set an arbitrary input into this Entry. Should fail soft if the input is incompatible

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Validates an input per the provided validation type.

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open fun widgetAndTooltipEntry(choicePredicate: ChoiceValidator<T> = ChoiceValidator.any()): ClickableWidget

Builds a new ClickableWidget and applies a tooltip to it. This shouldn't need to be overridden in most cases

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abstract fun widgetEntry(choicePredicate: ChoiceValidator<T> = ChoiceValidator.any()): ClickableWidget

Builds a new ClickableWidget for use in a config GUI. If the widget is presenting options that could be filtered by the optional ChoiceValidator, those possible selections should be filtered in some way by the validator before presenting to the user.